Chords and Joints

The Role of Chords, and Joints

In sequential languages, a common construct of control flow is "switch / case" statements:
switch(val) {
case val1: statements1; break;
case val2: statements2; break;
default: ...

In CSP based concurrent languages, such as Occam, Limbo, etc., there is a "ATL" construct to branch control flow based on the communication readiness of channels:
alt {
    i = <- inchan =>
    outchan <- = "sent it!" =>
Different blocks of statements will run based on the communication readiness of channels (inchan, outchan). However in "alt", if the qualifier before "=>" contains several channel communication operations (<-, ->), only the first one will be tested. The relationship between different "alting" segments are OR relationship.

In JoCaml, an "count-down" idiom is defined as :
def count(n) &tick() = count(n-1)
or count(0) & wait() = reply to wait
There are 2 join-patterns (chords) here: count(n) & tick(), count(0) & wait(), each of which contains 2 ports. Similar to CSP, join-patterns act as qualifier "guarding" the actions statements following it. If all two ports in a join-pattern are called, the action statements of this chord is ready to run. The relationship inside a join-pattern or chord is AND, while the relationship between different chords are OR.

Similarly in Join, joints act as a "switch / case" construct for message passing, run different codes depending on the communication readiness of ports. So it is a construct for message coordination and orchestration, such as following code, different operations are done based on readiness of ports:
async<T1> port1;
async<T2> port2;
async<T3> port3;
    .chord(port1, port2, operation1)
    .chord(port2, port3, operation2);

Chord Definition

Chords are created when joint's chord() methods are invoked. A chord binds a set of ports to the processing logic which consume and process messages from those ports. The processing logic is a function object which can be in the form of normal function, lambda, class method, or object method. Its signature can be deduced as following:
for a chord of a set of ports with types:
    PortT1, PortT2, PortT3, ...
the chord binds to a function object "call" with signature:
    PortT1::result_type call(PortT1::argument_type, PortT2::argument_type, PortT3::argument_type, ...);
For async<MsgT> port, its result_type is "void", and its argument_type is the message type it carries - MsgT.
For synch<ResT,MsgT>, obviously its result_type is ResT and its argument_type is MsgT.
For ports sending "void" messages (async<void>, synch<ResT, void>), their argument type is "void_t" defined as struct void_t {}; so C/C++ compilers can be satisfied.

In the set of ports of a chord, there can be at most one synch<R,T> port; and if there is one, it must be the first argument of chord and so its result_type is the return type of chord's "call" function object.

So a thread safe message queue with async send port and synchronous "blocking" recv port can be defined as following:
    template <MsgT>
    class msg_que : public joint {
       async<MsgT> send;
       synch<MsgT,void> recv;
       msg_que() {
          chord(recv, send, &msg_que::proc);
       MsgT proc(void_t r, MsgT s) { return s; }
Please note that synchronous port "recv" is used as the first argument of chord; and the signature of  msg_que::proc matches the argument types of chord's ports.

Using boost::lambda, the msg_que class can be redefined as following:
    template <MsgT>
    class msg_que {
       async<MsgT> send;
       synch<MsgT,void> recv;
       msg_que() {
          joins().chord(recv, send, _2);

Joint Definition

A joint "joins" a set of chords which may share ports, thus competing for messages. Internally joint synchronizes the consumption of messages and schedules the firing of chords.
A joint can be defined and used in 2 ways:
  1. The joint initially defines a set of chords which later may need to be changed (by chord_remove, chord_override, reset) to change message processing logic. In this case we need a name or reference to the "joint" object to invoke those methods. For this, the "joint" class can be used as parent of application classes, or a "joint" object can be instantiated; for example:
async<T1> chan1;
async<T2> chan2;
async<T3> chan3;
joint joins1(executor);
    .chord(chan1, chan2, proc1)
    .chord(chan2, chan3, proc2);
joins1.override_chord(chan1, chan2, new_proc);
  1. In many cases, joint is used one-shot to create a "fixed" set of synchronization chords which never change during its lifetime. And async<> / synch<> ports are the primary programming interfaces. We can use "factory" funtions "joins() / joins_t()" to create unnamed joints for this purpose:
async<T1> chan1;
async<T2> chan2;
async<T3> chan3;
    .chord(chan1, chan2, proc1)
    .chord(chan2, chan3, proc2);

The variance of joint can be configured from the following aspects:
simple schedulers:
    sched_first_match, sched_longest_match, sched_round_robin;
priority based schedulers:
    sched_pri_first_match, sched_pri_longest_match, sched_pri_round_robin;
The templated joint type can be defined similar to:  joint_t<sched_round_robin, 32>. The default "joint" type is "joint_t<sched_first_match,32>".
or unnamed joints can be created with template factory function:  joins_t<sched_round_robin, 32>(executor,...). The default factory method "joins()" is "joins_t<sched_first_match,32>()".

Runtime Semantics

Quoted and modified from Cω Concurrency Extensions Tutorials [2]:

The body (message processing logic) of a chord can only execute once all the ports in its header have been called. When a async / synch port is called there may be zero, one, or more chords which are enabled (ready to fire):